In 2014 the popular BBC show ‘A Taste of Britain’, a show that explores different regional cultures and unique produce from around Great Britain, visited us here in Norfolk to experience a tour around the then, 2 and a half acre nurseries.
The presenters Brian Turner and Janet Street-Porter are taken round the nursery by our owners, Allan and Su Miller who inspires the two presenters with their unique ranges of Micro Herbs, Edible Flowers, Edible Leaves, Micro Veg, and more. All of which are now very popular with chefs and restaurants all over the UK, most of whom are Michelin-starred.
As Allan shows the pair around, they seem impressed by the vast range of produce which is mentioned by Janet Street-Porter who says there are ‘Plants as far as the eye can see’, she was especially fascinated by our Cucamelons, which Janet likens to a ‘designer gherkin!’
They also experience our growing process and get their noses and taste buds stuck into some fresh Micro Coriander and Butterfly Sorrel, which is said to be much like lemonade as well as our amazing Ice Plant which Brian Turner cannot wait to taste and comments on how the ‘texture and balance of flavour is the best he’s ever tasted!’
Brian, becomes inspired by the produce and decides to use some to put together a special dish of Grey Mullet, Brown Shrimp with Micro Herb Sauce, which he serves up for our owners to try, delicious!
The episode first aired on BBC One on Tue 23 Sep 2014 and has since aired 3 more times, both on BBC One and BBC Two. The series is to return in late July this year and we are excited to see where else the two ends up, what they find and how they use it!
Since 2014 Nurtured in Norfolk has greatly expanded the nursery into 4 acres, as well as our product range growing in size too. Now with over 50 staff, our unique methods and labour-intensive work means we only supply the very best produce to some of the very best chefs.
With Thanks to BBC and Cactus TV – Cactus TV.