Charred Mackerel Fillet | Maris Peer Potato Salad | Salad Cream | Nasturtium Leaves
Stratton Hotel recipe with images using nurtured in norfolk’s micro cress, edible flowers, edible leaves, herbs, sea veg, pea shoots and micro/baby veg.
For the salad cream, add the egg yolks to a food processor and start blending. Mix together the remaining ingredients in a separate bowl, then slowly add to the egg yolks in a thin, steady stream until the correct consistency has been reached (the sauce should resemble a thin mayonnaise).
For the potato salad combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well. To cook the mackerel, blowtorch the fish skin for one minute, heavily season this and place into the oven for 2 ½ minutes. Drizzle the salad cream onto the plate in a circle motion. To one side of the circle place 1 ½ table spoon of the potato salad. When the mackerels cooked place on top of the potato salad and dress the plate with pickled onions and Nurtured in Norfolk’s nasturtium leaves.