“I live in Norfolk and I love everything about it! Even on rainy days such as these, when I am answering these questions. For me, Norfolk is a county with so much to offer – especially when it comes to food and drink!
I am now 43 – although immortalised forever as 42 on the BBC! – and my passions are cooking, writing, and spending time with my friends and family. I love animals, and have four cats and we – my parents and I – also have Arabian horses. My mum has been breeding Arabians since the early 1980s, so I grew up with them. They have brought us a lot of happiness over the years, as well as a lot of heartache.
I work for myself, having founded The Arabian Magazine back in October 2004 with a friend. Since August 2008, I have been the sole owner, and I am incredibly lucky as I get to travel the world, visiting shows as well as Arabian horse breeders and farms.
As I work for myself, I am lucky enough to work from home! I have an office in the garden and this is my haven. It is a very peaceful space, and all you can hear is the sounds of nature around you. My cat, Merlin, comes out to the office with me, and I have a part-time Executive Assistant two days a week. Other than that, it’s just me and various deadlines!”
Connect with Samantha and discover more of her work @thedelicatediner